
Broadsword Guide to Hunting Werebeasts

Created by DMDave Publishing

The ultimate Fifth Edition guide to lycanthropes (and how to hunt them) for Fifth Edition. This book is written, proofed, printed and taking pre-orders. Grab it and other great DMDave Publishing books.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager sent! Stock now arriving
2 days ago – Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 08:13:22 AM

Hey all,

Just letting you know that I just hit the send button on Pledge Manager. Also, I got word from our overseas manufacturer that all the add-ons are done being made and should hop on a boat soon. Finally, the books are nearly done printing and *should* arrive next week.

If you have any trouble with Backerkit Pledge Manager, let us know at [email protected]

9 times out of 10, there's an issue with email addresses in the system and it's a pretty easy fix on our end.

And if you're a patron, be sure to hit me up on Discord so we can get any credits you have sorted before the charge date.

 - Dave

Pledge Manager Opening Up This Week
4 days ago – Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 12:00:53 PM

Hey friends!

Thanks for bearing with us while we were getting things set up with Backerkit. Calvin from BK and I just finished up the Pledge Manager. Here's what to expect:

The survey should go live this Friday, March 14th. Some of you may receive a "smoke test" beforehand.

You have two weeks to get your information into the Pledge Manager and set up your payment for shipping rates plus any additional add ons (March 28th).

We will be locking orders and charging cards on March 28th, so be prepared for that. That will also be when we release all the digital content.

We plan to start shipping goods by Tuesday, April 8th. The items from China may take a bit longer, but those of you just getting the books will have those soon.

If there's any hiccups, we'll let you know beforehand. If you're a Patron at the Gold+ level and you're expecting credits/rewards for back issues, please contact me on Discord and I'll see what your credits are. You will already have one going toward the main book.  Keep in mind you're free to hold off on using all your credits as we'll be opening another campaign with new books on April 8th.

If you have any general questions, let us know below and we'll try to answer them in 24 hours.

Thanks and enjoy!

Pledge Manager up soon (we had an issue come up but Backerkit helped us resolve it)
11 days ago – Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 10:10:44 AM

Hey all,

I'm just letting you know that the Pledge Manager will be up soon. I submitted it about 10 days ago, and BK reviewed it, but it kicked back to an old email address. However, we've now got it working like it should.

I still have to review it and fix a few things, but we should have it up and ready by the EOW. Keep in mind that this will charge and lock relatively fast, so be prepared for that, as we're hoping to everything out before our next Backerkit campaign begins in early April.

Here's the status on everything thus far:

  • All PDFs are done and will be released as soon as the Pledge Manager charges
  • The core book is published on KDP. Just waiting for them to let me order it so we can get them here in stock.
  • I got the fancy d20s from Yaniir while we were hanging in Louisville.
  • All the back issues of JPT, D/L, and Broadsword are here and ready to ship.
  • All of the add-ons from our manufacturer in China are ordered. They're waiting on a logo for the dice tray, but everything else is good to go.
  • The fancy book is being printed by Mixam right now and should be here in a couple weeks.

One quick note: I was originally going to print the Best of DMDave content via Mixam. However, the orders for those are pretty low and Mixam, unlike Amazon KPD, has a minimum order quantity. I've got Werewolf Village in stock already, but the rest I will either convert over to KDP or cancel.  If we do end up canceling those add-ons, we'll issue returns in KDP. I'll keep you posted either way.

Let us know if you need anything.

 - Dave

Back from Louisville update
13 days ago – Sat, Mar 01, 2025 at 05:12:30 PM

Hey fam,

I just got back from the GAMA trade. Here's the status of everything so far:

  • Pledge Manager was submitted last Saturday but it's still in review. Hopefully, it'll open up this week.
  • The majority of the non-main books will arrive from Amazon Kindle Direct on Monday. The rest should take 1-2 weeks, approximately when Amazon closes.
  • Mixam will be about 2-3 weeks on the Best of DMDave stuff.
  • The stuff we're getting made overseas will be 25-30 days from Monday. 
  • For those of you just getting books and items we already have in stock, we'll ship those ahead of time. Those with doo-dads will have to wait until those arrive.
  • All PDFs will come out when the PM opens.

Let me know if there's any questions. Holler.

 - Dave

Printing/order status.
28 days ago – Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 02:54:50 PM

Hey friends,

We're still a week or two from the Pledge Manager opening, but so far we've got:

Patreon dice bonuses in stock
Werewolf Village in stock
JPT 1-5 printed and in stock
DL 1-4 printed and in stock
BroadSword Monthly back issues are ordered and due before the PM opens
Special dice from Yaniir made; picking those up in person before PM opens
All Best of DMDave modules are done and printing via Mixam *except* Tether which I should share as a PDF before the end of the week
Werebeast Hardcovers getting one last looksie since I added extra pages, then off to KDP (regular) and Mixam (special). Should be ready and in stock before the PM closes. Mixam is giving me trouble on the dust jackets, so I might have to print some manually. Either way, it'll get done.
Bullet dice, dice tray, and dice bags being ordered this evening when China wakes up

I think that's it.

I'll keep you posted as things change! We're still about 10 days from funding and the Pledge Manager opening.

 - Dave